White-feathered traditional turkeys, raised on a nutritious cereal-based diet in spacious barns with natural light, ventilation & straw bales for play. Slow grown and dry aged producing a very succulent moist bird.

Size (Weight)ServingsPrice
Oven Ready Weight 5 kg / 11 lbs9

£44.17Add to cart

Oven Ready Weight 5.5 kg / 12.1 lbs10

£48.57Add to cart

Oven Ready Weight 6.0 kg / 13.2 lbs12

£52.99Add to cart

Oven Ready Weight 6.5kg / 14.3 lbs13

£57.43Add to cart

Oven Ready Weight 7 kg / 15.4 lbs14

£61.81Add to cart

Oven Ready Weight 7.5 kg / 16.5 lbs15

£66.25Add to cart

Oven Ready Weight 8 kg / 17.6 lbs17

£70.67Add to cart

Oven Ready Weight 8.5 kg / 18.7 lbs18

£75.08Add to cart

Oven Ready Weight 9 kg / 19.8 lbs20

£79.49Add to cart

Oven Ready Weight 9.5 kg / 20.9 lbs21

£83.90Add to cart

Oven Ready Weight 10.0 kg / 22.1 lbs22

£88.30Add to cart